
Episode #1 – @msherr

@msherr@mercilessflirtTo start off episode #1, I immediately pulled out one of my aces.  I know how intelligent, funny and quick witted @msherr (AKA Heather Herr) is and I knew that given those qualities she would be a great first interview.  Even my expectations were exceeded by both our recordings (I completely failed at recording the first one).  I also was able to get Heather to talk a bit about her alter ego, @mercilessflirt, and some of the fun she’s had in creating this very playful and interesting brand.

You can also find Heather’s musings at http://msherrwhenonline.com/ and http://mercilessflirt.com/
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Episode #0 – @KadeDworkin

@KadeDworkinA overview of what Meet My Followers will be and who I, @KadeDworkin, am and why I started the show.

Download Episode #0 – @KadeDworkin