Beatriz Alemar (@balemar), or Bea as I simply call her, is someone who literally caught my attention with smart comments on Brazen Careerist. Being someone who loves a smart mind, I reached out to her and quickly found out she was even better on Skype than her smart posts made me believe. She’s a consultant by day in the realms of social media and helping non-profits put wins on the boards but by night I’ve hooked her into doing a new podcast with me! I’m thoroughly excited to introduce you to Bea! Enjoy.
My guest on this special episode of Meet My Followers is David Siteman Garland (@TheRiseToTheTop). He’s a TV show host for his local ABC affiliate, podcaster, blogger and (with his new book Smarter, Faster, Cheaper [affiliate link] hitting the book stores today) author. David’s a very smart entrepreneur who’s bringing his knowledge and expertise about how small businesses can succeed. I hope you enjoy this interview.
Stay tuned to the very end of this episode as I’ll begin to lay out what will be happening in 2011 with the show.
On this episode of the show I talk with one of my youngest followers Cody Strawn (@HeyIAmCody). Cody’s a good kid who wants to get into the online advertising and marketing space and I’m happy to help him along his journey. Have fun listening to this tighter format to the show.
After 2 months without missing a beat, I had a file corrupt, a backup not record appropriately and I couldn’t find anyone to record with on short notice. That stated, I won’t leave you guys without some new content. I’ve decided to make a clips show of some of those interviews that I really enjoyed and give you some behind the scenes on how the show actually has done. I hope you enjoy a look back at my interviews with @gosam, @thebrandbuilder and @drbret. Enjoy!
DeAndre Upshaw (@deandresays) is one of those people I feel really fortunate to have met in the last month. The guy is super smart and knows how to leverage social media platforms to draw not only attention but actually build communities that benefit a business. Taking bits of his undergraduate degree, his experience in improv and his dynamic personality he’s been able to win job after job in the social media space. I’m definitely looking at what he’s doing to up my game and I hope you will too. Enjoy!
Jana Knapp (@jlknapp) is actively involved in the Phoenix internet community as both a part of the team that is brining Vyllij to market and the events community. Jana’s a great person to know and is incredibly talented in how she helps non-profits get the resources they need so they can be successful. I am honored to consider her a friend and hope that you’ll enjoy meeting her through this interview.
Dave Kerpen (@davekerpen) is the co-founder and CEO of Likeable, an agency that works with companies that works with larger brands to help make them likeable by the common consumer. Dave’s a veteran marketer and given the fact that he’s willing to put himself out there where most people wouldn’t he gives himself and the companies he helps massive opportunities. The story about how his wedding launched his company with his new wife as a co-founder is worth a listen. Enjoy!
Jim Reynolds (@jimmyrey) spends his days working hard for Alterian and his nights with his family, music and data analysis. Jim’s one of the folks I met early on in my full out social media management positions so it was great to finally catch up with him while recording today’s episode. Please come meet and hang out with @jimmyrey for a bit.
Neeley Neal (@neeleyneal) is someone who was mentioned to me twice in conversations in the last year. Given that initial experience I started to follow her and watch her from afar. Little did I know that Neeley was actually an entrepreneur who’s building something that I couldn’t be farther from her intended user but I still think the idea is brilliant. Neeley’s is a former NFL Cheerleader and rolled that knowledge in to becoming the founder of Sideline Star is an online community for cheerleaders and their coaches with all kinds of resources directly from professional cheerleaders. This interview was actually Neeley’s and my first conversation on the phone so I was getting to meet her just like you all are. Enjoy!
David Alston (@davidalston) is the VP of Marketing and Community at Radian6. But his job is not the reason why I always appreciate it when we get the chance to catch up. David’s a smart guy who understands a lot when it comes business in general but specifically in the areas of marketing, customer relations and development and content creation he’s an expert’s expert. He’s definitely someone I look up to and I hope you enjoy meeting him through this episode.