Eric Chaump (@EricChaump) is an MBA student at UN Reno. He’s currently enrolled in Dr. Bret Simmons personal branding course and is moving quickly to help people get Professionally Diversified. He came upon this set of ideas when watching his own family members end up getting squeezed out of their job due to the recession. By using several different risk arbitrage strategies Eric is teaching his blog readers how to not be dependent upon a single source of income. Definitely go check out his blog at I really think he has the chops to do help people and become a recognized blogger. Enjoy!
Today’s guest is Greg Hartle (@greghartle). Greg first came to my recent attention by tweeting at me that he was enjoying this show and looked forward to it coming back from the break. After doing some quick research on him, I was blown away by his story and the launch of his new project Ten Dollars and a Laptop. After quickly speaking with him privately I knew that he was a perfect person to have on the show and things just happened to work out that he was the first episode back from the break. I hope you enjoy l meeting Greg and will help him as he continues on his journey to all 50 states. Read the rest of this entry »
Caleb Elston (@CalebElston) is the co-founder and CEO of Yobongo (@yobongo) a mobile real time chat application that takes advantage of your location in the room creation. Caleb has a ton of industry experience already and I sincerely enjoyed speaking with him and learning about his company. I also want to thank Caleb publicly for letting me in to Yobongo’s private beta. I think Caleb is a top notch entrepreneur to watch over the next 5 years so take advantage of this opportunity to meet him now. Enjoy!
Today’s guest is Cameron Herold (@Cameron Herold). He’s the author of the new book Double Double where he teaches the techniques and tools he’s developed that help companies of all sizes to double their revenues in three years. Having received an advanced copy of the book I can state firmly that the book is top notch and something I will be referencing in the future. Cameron’s a great guy and if you’re looking to grow the business you operate in I would strongly recommend following him. Enjoy the episode!
Adam Baker (@manvsdebt) has an amazing story where he and his wife eliminated over $18,000 of debt and moved to Australia for a year with their new daughter. Baker’s transparency as he went through this entire process is something that no personal finance blogger I’ve come across can compete with. I had the great pleasure of meeting him at last year’s SXSW and look forward to hanging out with him this year. Take a listen to the episode and see if you don’t want to come out to Austin and meet him as well.
My guest on this special episode of Meet My Followers is David Siteman Garland (@TheRiseToTheTop). He’s a TV show host for his local ABC affiliate, podcaster, blogger and (with his new book Smarter, Faster, Cheaper [affiliate link] hitting the book stores today) author. David’s a very smart entrepreneur who’s bringing his knowledge and expertise about how small businesses can succeed. I hope you enjoy this interview.
Stay tuned to the very end of this episode as I’ll begin to lay out what will be happening in 2011 with the show.
Today I am joined by Tim Fox (@sogeshirts). He’s best known for the company that he co-founded in San Diego where he and his co-founder create funny and creative t-shirts. Tim’s also a member of the hosting team over at Tees In A Pod and I’m happy to announce I will be on one of their upcoming episodes. Tim’s a guy who’ll catch you off guard with his entrepreneurial ways given that super laid back style of the way he speaks.
On this episode of the show I talk with one of my youngest followers Cody Strawn (@HeyIAmCody). Cody’s a good kid who wants to get into the online advertising and marketing space and I’m happy to help him along his journey. Have fun listening to this tighter format to the show.
Arthur Cundy (@arthurcundy) is a guy who has worked to create the life he wants to live. Whether that’s through his passion for web design, his desire to own a company or create passive income Arthur has worked hard to make it happen. I got introduced to Arthur as a member of the Solvate community and I was stoked to get the chance to finally talk to him. I hope you enjoy this episode. Read the rest of this entry »
After 2 months without missing a beat, I had a file corrupt, a backup not record appropriately and I couldn’t find anyone to record with on short notice. That stated, I won’t leave you guys without some new content. I’ve decided to make a clips show of some of those interviews that I really enjoyed and give you some behind the scenes on how the show actually has done. I hope you enjoy a look back at my interviews with @gosam, @thebrandbuilder and @drbret. Enjoy!