I am extremely excited about this episode simply because I think so highly of my guest, Sam Taggart (@gosam). He’s a super-smart sports marketer who’s worked with professional sports teams and athletes as a Project Manager at VaynerMedia. He’s originally from the east cost but came out west to get his college degree at USC but now has settled into life in New York City.
Sam’s a great guy and a dear friend so follow him and read his blog posts on Vaynermedia’s blog. Enjoy!
Show mentions:
- Blog back and forth: @gosam’s We’re All Marathon Runners @kadedworkin’s response: Running the marathon daily
- @KDthunderup, Kevin Durant
- @THE_REAL_SHAQ, Shaquille O’Neal
- @digitalroyalty, Amy Jo Martin
- @sportsguy33, Bill Simmons
- @OhDoctah, Owen J.J. Stone
- OhDoctah’s response to the Old Spice Guy
As always, I have to thank this episode’s sponsor, oneforty. Some people really think that all the twitter applications are pretty much the same. They’re not and oneforty can definitely prove it to you. They have categories dedicated to business, marketing, blogging, photos, music, videos and more. If you’re listening to this show I am sure that there is a specific twitter client that can serve you better than the one you’re using now. Head on over and check out oneforty after you listen to the show.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ben Rabicoff, Sam Taggart and Kade Dworkin, Kade Dworkin. Kade Dworkin said: Meet My Followers Episode #5 – @gosam http://bit.ly/dcv1XY […]
[…] @gosam, Episode #5 […]
@gosam in the ha’ouze representin’ da east side of Philly… yeah!!