
Episode #2 – @newrichproject


Today’s guest is a young entrepreneur based out of London, Ontario, Canada.  Sunny Durante is @newrichproject on twitter and is one of my new followers on Twitter while also being a new friend.  After several conversations about entrepreneurship, lifestyle design and being able to do the things we both wanted to do with our lives I knew that Sunny was a smart, passionate guy who I could help in some ways.  I believe that he has massive business potential and am happy to know him when he is just starting out.  To be completely honest I’m starting to think that once he gets done with university there isn’t anything he isn’t capable of doing when he puts 100% in to his effort.  Be sure to follow Sunny and check out his blog.

Enjoy the episode!

Download Episode #2 – @newrichproject
People and items mentioned in episode:

Once again, I have to say thank you to oneforty for sponsoring the podcast.  Be sure to check out their latest toolkits on their site.

One Response to “Episode #2 – @newrichproject”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kade Dworkin, Kade Dworkin. Kade Dworkin said: Meet My Followers Episode #2 – @newrichproject http://bit.ly/dBFEPm […]