Posts Tagged ‘blogger’


Episode #18 – @pamslim

@pamslimPamela Slim (@pamslim) is an entrepreneur coach, blogger and award winning author. You can find her regular musings over at and I can not be thankful enough to Pam for the time and energy she has given me over the last 2+ years.  She is insanely smart and someone who I very obviously look up to as you’ll hear in this interview.  The underlying rhythm to both Pam’s book and blog of the same name is removing the fear and anxiety of starting a business and leaving a job that you’re not passionate about.  I regularly find inspiration from her posts and book.
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Episode #13 – @drbret


Dr. Bret Simmons, @drbret, joins me on this episode. He’s a management professor at University of Nevada, Reno who has jumped head first into social media. Dr. Bret’s a great guy and amazing professor and the fact that he started a personal branding course at UNR because he believes in it’s importance should give you an idea of how much he believes in the value of these platforms. Be sure to reach out to him and help him achieve some of the things he’s looking to do.
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