Today’s guest is an old college buddy of mine and one of the most genuine guys I know, Ben Rabicoff (@benrabicoff). He talks a bit about work, how we met, his past and current hobbies and even gives a little shout out to his gamer girlfriend who’s starting law school this week. Ben’s a great guy with an awesome skill set so since we can’t seem to get our act together to start a project with the two of us reach out to him and if you’ve got something that you want to get started.
(BTW, feel free to razz him for asking me to use this photo instead of his twitter avatar.) Read the rest of this entry »
Today’s guest is Owen JJ Stone or as you more likely know him, @OhDoctah. Owen is one of the internet guys who I believe not only really knows his stuff but is quite possibly one of the most genuine people I’ve met in this community. He’s constantly doing something new, something cool and very regularly having people enjoy what he is doing. I have to offer a huge thanks to Owen for stepping in last minute and recording this episode because if he didn’t I probably wouldn’t have an episode for you today. Read the rest of this entry »
Today’s guest is one of the master’s of personal branding, Dan Schawbel (@DanSchawbel). Dan is best known for his personal branding book titled Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success which is getting ready to release it’s second edition on October 5th. Dan is the founder of both the Personal Branding blog, Personal Branding Magazine and Student Branding . He’s an incredibly smart guy who I look up to a whole lot and I hope you enjoy the episode as much as I did recording it. Read the rest of this entry »
Today’s guest is Ruth Carter, @rbcarter. Ruth is a blogger, law student and a great person as well. She plays a very critical role here in the Phoenix internet community in that she helps keep as many of us out of jail for the many pranks, flashmobs and activities that we create. I found this interview very interesting to get some perspective on the legal side of a lot of social media. Read the rest of this entry »
I am extremely excited about this episode simply because I think so highly of my guest, Sam Taggart (@gosam). He’s a super-smart sports marketer who’s worked with professional sports teams and athletes as a Project Manager at VaynerMedia. He’s originally from the east cost but came out west to get his college degree at USC but now has settled into life in New York City.
This morning’s guest is Bob Raibourne (@Bobraibourne). His energy and drive are two things I really admire about Bob and I know that his new business venture will definitely be successful so long as he continues to challenge himself. He’s a great guy and I hope you enjoy getting to meet him through the show. Read the rest of this entry »
Today’s interview is with a guy who I always find funny: Chad Swaney, @chadarizona. I had a blast in this interview and hope you see why I enjoy every opportunity that I get to hang out with Chad. He’s a great guy and always willing to crack the perfect joke to get you to laugh at yourself. In his own words he seeks out the truth in situations and typically finds comedy to be one of the more effective tools in being able to get there. Read the rest of this entry »
Today’s guest is a young entrepreneur based out of London, Ontario, Canada. Sunny Durante is @newrichproject on twitter and is one of my new followers on Twitter while also being a new friend. After several conversations about entrepreneurship, lifestyle design and being able to do the things we both wanted to do with our lives I knew that Sunny was a smart, passionate guy who I could help in some ways. I believe that he has massive business potential and am happy to know him when he is just starting out. To be completely honest I’m starting to think that once he gets done with university there isn’t anything he isn’t capable of doing when he puts 100% in to his effort. Be sure to follow Sunny and check out his blog. Read the rest of this entry »
To start off episode #1, I immediately pulled out one of my aces. I know how intelligent, funny and quick witted @msherr (AKA Heather Herr) is and I knew that given those qualities she would be a great first interview. Even my expectations were exceeded by both our recordings (I completely failed at recording the first one). I also was able to get Heather to talk a bit about her alter ego, @mercilessflirt, and some of the fun she’s had in creating this very playful and interesting brand.