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Length: 17:06
Download Episode #41 – @ladyumbrella
Rob Ryan (@laydumbrellaltd) is a part of two projects that really have caught my attention recently: Lady Umbrella, a company he cofounded to design and produce interesting printed t-shirts directly targeted toward women, and Tees in a Pod. Tees in a Pod is a podcast about social media in general but has a spin for how a creative driven business can take advantage of these new opportunities. Rob’s a smart guy who can execute on a plan and I enjoyed speaking with him immensely. Come meet Rob.
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Length: 22:00
Download Episode #40 – @jlknapp
Jana Knapp (@jlknapp) is actively involved in the Phoenix internet community as both a part of the team that is brining Vyllij to market and the events community. Jana’s a great person to know and is incredibly talented in how she helps non-profits get the resources they need so they can be successful. I am honored to consider her a friend and hope that you’ll enjoy meeting her through this interview.
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Length: 17:32
Download Episode #39 – @mimiford
Mimi Ford (@mimiford) is someone who I look up to immensely. It’s not every day that I get to speak with the second half of a dynamic entrepreneurial duo who loves to take part in IronMan triathlons. Mimi and I get to talking about her love of the sport, the immense amount of training that it takes and how she’s using her training time to help create content for her and her husband’s blog ( I’m happy to introduce you to Mimi! Enjoy and help wish her the best of luck in Kona!
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Length: 21:44
Download Episode #38 – @kreganb
Katie Brooks (@kreganb) came on my radar when she submitted her application for IWearYourShirt. After doing a little more research on her though there’s much more that she brings to the table. A graduate student at Florida State University in media studies, an amateur foodie and a passion for sewing are just the tip of the iceberg that we got to covering in this episode. I hope you enjoy meeting Katie.
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Length: 19:21
Download Episode #37 – @davekerpen
Dave Kerpen (@davekerpen) is the co-founder and CEO of Likeable, an agency that works with companies that works with larger brands to help make them likeable by the common consumer. Dave’s a veteran marketer and given the fact that he’s willing to put himself out there where most people wouldn’t he gives himself and the companies he helps massive opportunities. The story about how his wedding launched his company with his new wife as a co-founder is worth a listen. Enjoy!
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Length: 21:55
Download Episode #36 – @toekneestuck
Tony Stuck (@toekneestuck) is a smart guy who made a choice last year to dedicate the summer after his graduation to building his personal brand. Eventually that lead to him getting a job offer at a digital agency that is now taking advantage of his many different talents. Tony’s a young guy with big potential and I couldn’t be happier that we’re friends. I’m stoked to have him on the show and I hope you enjoy meeting him.
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Length: 24:44
Download Episode #35 – @jmoriarty
Jeff Moriarty (@jmoriarty) is one of those guys who just appears to be involved in every major event that I attend here in the Phoenix Internet Community. Away from being a great guy I would say that he’s leveraging his skill set of bringing people together for large events perfectly. Be sure to check out just a few of the upcoming events that he’s a part of: Ignite Phoenix 8, Social Media Club Phoenix, PodcampAZ and others which I’m sure I’m forgetting.
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Length: 15:29
Download Episode #34 – @jimmyrey
Jim Reynolds (@jimmyrey) spends his days working hard for Alterian and his nights with his family, music and data analysis. Jim’s one of the folks I met early on in my full out social media management positions so it was great to finally catch up with him while recording today’s episode. Please come meet and hang out with @jimmyrey for a bit.
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Length: 20:37
Download Episode #33 – @naturecreations
Amanda Ryan (@naturecreations) is representative of why I spend so much time in online communities. She’s smart, entrepreneurial and is never afraid to create a little content. On top of that her voice is almost a dead give away for Amber MacArthur’s which in my mind means she’s a perfect person to give a little Canadian flavor to a podcast. I was happy to record with her over the weekend and I hope you enjoy this episode.
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Length: 16:19
Download Episode #32 – @neeleyneal
Neeley Neal (@neeleyneal) is someone who was mentioned to me twice in conversations in the last year. Given that initial experience I started to follow her and watch her from afar. Little did I know that Neeley was actually an entrepreneur who’s building something that I couldn’t be farther from her intended user but I still think the idea is brilliant. Neeley’s is a former NFL Cheerleader and rolled that knowledge in to becoming the founder of Sideline Star is an online community for cheerleaders and their coaches with all kinds of resources directly from professional cheerleaders. This interview was actually Neeley’s and my first conversation on the phone so I was getting to meet her just like you all are. Enjoy!
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